Accession No. 4058-4

	Name								Box/Folders

	Note: The Numbers following names refer to box and folder number; names may
	appear more than once in a folder.  Where names appear very frequently in a
	box, only the box number has been listed.  In the case of the following names
	the boxes have not been listed because of the frequency of letters:

			Chamber of Commerce,Seattle
			Rainier National Park Advisory Board
			Rainier National Park Company
			U.S. National Park Service

	Aberdeen.  Mayor						11/36
	Adams, Lytle S.							4/27
	Aerocar Company of Detroit					11/13
	Ahrens Publishing Co., Inc.					3/28
	Alaska.  Governor						3/23, 8/6
	The Alaska Weekly						12/15
	Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition					1/10, 1/12
	Alaskan Airways, Inc.						9/19
	Allen, Clay							12/13
	Allen, Edward W. 						4/30, 5/27
	Allmond, Cora W.						11/13
	Allmond, Douglass						7/14, 8/6
	Alvarez-Calderon, A. N.						12/8
	The American Alpine Club					2/4
	American Association for the Advancement 
		of Science and Associated Societies			11/24
	The American Boy						7/10
	The American Forestry Association				8/8, 12/15
	American Forests						11/17, 11/22
	American Forests and Forest Life				6/23
	American Fruit Growers						3/18,19
	American Legion Monthly						7/10
	American Lumberman						3/35
	American Motorist						7/12,14
	American Railway Association.  Pacific Northwest Advisory Board	4/26
	American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals	1/23
	American Youth Hostels, Inc., Northfield Massachusetts		11/31
	Anderson, Nelson R.						6/4,12; 11/27
	Apple Growers and Shippers Association				4/12,13,14
	Apple Lane Orchard Company					9/23
	The Arboretum and Botanic Garden Society			7/24,28,29,
									8/6,7,8,11, 31,36,37,9/3
	Arthur, Chester							12/4
	Association Equipment Distributors of Seattle			8/24
	Association of Washington Cities				11/36
	Auburn Commercial Club						3/29, 4/15
	Automobile Club of Southern California				8/1, 9/20, 9/23
	Automobile Club of Washington					3/28,29,36; 5/5,17, 5/20,24; 6/22; 7/3,4
									7/10,7/12,14,15, 24
									7/26; 8/1,24,33; 10/4
									11/10,31,33; 12/2

	Baedecker’s Guide Boo						1/1
	Bailey, Winona							1/10
	Bainbridge, G.P.						12/12
	Baker, Bryant							9/3
	Baker, River Lumber Company					1/3
	Ballinger, Richard A.   see: U.S. Interior Dept. Secretary
	Barber, C.A.							9/28
	Barbour, Henry E.						2/21
	Bartee, W.A.							3/38
	Bartlett, A. Eugene						1/9
	Bassett, Arthur E.						7/25
	Bates, Kate Stevens						12/12
	Bellingham.  City Attorney					12/6
	Bender, N.B.							10/31
	Best, John A., Jr.						1/6,8,10,11,14
	Bierkemper, Charles H.						4/4
	Black, John							2/19
	Black, P.M.							8/38
	Blaine, E.F.							4/24
	Blake, 								1/10
	Blalock, Shirl H.						7/16
	Blethen, C.B.							1/2
	Boeing Airplane Company						9/7
	Bolton, Herbert E., Jr.						11/20
	The Bon Marche							1/24
	Bone, Homer Truett						10/9,24,29
	Borah, Leo A.							9/5,29; 10/3
	Borah, William E.						4/25
	Boyle, J.E.							10/3
	British Columbia.  Premier					6/25,27,28,34;
									7/1,34,35; 8/1,3 8/4,7,9,10,19,20,
									8/21,23; 9/14,20,
									9/28,29; 10/8,10,
	British Columbia.  Bureau of Provincial Information		7/8,35; 8/10,19;9/14,20,28
	British Columbia.  Provincial Librarian and Archivist		10/16
	British Columbia.  Minister of Works				7/35
	Britten, Fred A.						2/30, 8/16,21
	Bronson, Richard Lee						1/12
	Brooks, William A.						1/8
	Brown, Ashmun							2/2
	Brown, Ethel W.							2/23
	Bruning, L.L.							7/18
	Bryant, Jerry							8/30
	Burke, Edward R.						11/33
	Burrows, Grover							5/6,34; 7/24
	Butler, W.W.							2/3
	Butterworth, E.R.						1/8

	Cadwallader, Roy L.						7/24
	Califronia.  Governor						9/24
	California.  Public Works Department				9/8; 10/1
	Cameron, Crissie						1/9
	Cammerer, Arno B.     see: U.S. National Park Service
	Carbon River-Fairfax Road & O’Farrell Bridge Committee on 
					Arrangements			1/40
	Carstens Packing Company					1/11
	Cascade Highway Association					4/25
	Cashmere Valley Record						7/33
	Central Washington Growers Association				6/11
	Chadwick, Stephen J.    see also: Chamber of Commerce, Seattle	8/30
	Chamber of Commerce,  Aberdeen					3/38; 5/17; 6/16
									7/12,24; 8/20						
	"		"	Auburn					7/31; 9/14; 10/13,
									10/14,17; 11/3
	"		"	Bellingham				8/26; 10/36; 12/4
	"		"      	Bremerton				5/25; 7/32,34
	"		"	Centralia				7/14
	"		"	Chehalis				7/30,34; 8/15,33;
	"		"	Ellensburg				2/34; 5/27; 7/27,32;
									8/21,34,36; 9/8,9/13,17,19,24,27,34,
									10/36; 11/27
	"		"	Everett					8/34
	"		"	Grays Harbor				8/34; 9/1,3,9,11,27
									9/33,37; 10/31;11/23,25
	"		"	Hoquiam					3/1,16,17,19; 5/5
									5/17,19,25; 7/13,26;8/6,11,17; 9/5;11/31,
									11/,32,33; 12/2,5,6,7
	"		"	Kalispell, Montana			7/4
	"		"  	Kennewick				10/35
	"		"       Lake Chelan				12/3
	"		"       Longview				5/19; 6/7,9,21; 7/10
									9/2,34; 10/4,15
	"		" 	Montesano				7/31; 9/34
	"		"       Morton					7/31
	"		"       Olympia					7/27,3;9/3,7,19,26
	"              	"	Pasco					7/31,34
	"		"       Port Angeles				3/18; 4/6; 5/23,25
									5/36; 8/36; 9/4,5,32,
									9/34,35; 10/34; 12/3
	"		"       Port Townsend				10/18,19
	"		" 	Portland, Oregon			4/28; 7/25,32,33,35
	"		"       Raymond					7/31
	"		"     	San Francisco				6/6,7,14
	"		"       Sedro Woolley				7/31
	"		"   	Smithers District (B.C.)		10/19
	"		"  	Spokane					1/34; 3/2,6,13,19,32
									4/2,10; 5/13; 7/9,189/21, 23,24,34; 10/2;11/7; 12/4,10
	"		" 	Sumner					7/31; 9/19
	"		"       Tacoma					2/31; 3/30,33,34,38
									3/39,40; 4/11,15,21
									4/30; 5/1,6,13,14,15;6/8,20,24,25,32; 7/67/9.10,12,16,28,328/2,4,11,24,25,27,8/29,33,35; 9/9,10,9/15,26,33,36; 10/110/5,6,10,11,12,1410/15,19,21,26,2910/33; 11/12,20
	"		"  	United States				3/34,36; 4/31,36;5/6
	"		"       Vancouver				7/32; 9/12,33
	"		"      	Walla Walla				3/14; 7/31; 9/32
	"		"    	Wapato					5/2; 9/17
	"		"     	Washington State			3/22,23; 4/20,28;
									5/13,14,16,17,18;8/21; 9/18; 10/6,10
	"		"  	Washington State			7/2,16; 8/21; 9/18;10/6,10,36
	"		"    	Wenatchee				3/2,31; 4/27; 8/37
	"		"     	Yakima					3/5,6,7,10,13,37,
									4/2,24,26,27,34/35; 5; 6/31; 6/8,156/16,25,26,27,29,326/35; 7/4,15,23,26,7/27,28,30,31,33; 89/3,5,6,11,19,21,259/26; 10/1,4,6,10,1210/15,23,25,28; 11/411/5,8,15; 12/2
	Chamber of Commerce and Commercial Club of Seattle		1/33,38
	Chamberlain, Allen						1/10,11
	Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co.			3/9; 4/8,14,30; 6/176/19; 8/12
	Childs, Eugene A.						1/1
	Childs, R.W.							9/29
	The Christian Science Monitor					3/20,22,24,25
	Citizen’s League of Eastern Lewis Count				11/21
	Clallam County.    Engineer					6/3
	Clark, Frank Jones see also: White River Recreation Association	10/13
	Clark, Irving M.    see also:  The Mountaineers			3/11
	Clark, Ray W. 							11/1,7
	Clausen, Arthur C.    see: Mt. Adams Highway Association
	Clough, Eugene D.						5/31
	Coenen, A. Margaret						1/13
	Coffman, N.B.							2/3,9; 8/32,36,38
	Colby, William E.						8/28
	Columbia Basin Irrigation League				3/31; 4/24,26; 5/75/13,19,23,27,32,5/36;6/4,5,17,18,21;8/34,37; 9/4; 10/3
	Columbia Irrigation District					5/31
	Columbia River-Longview Bridge Company				7/23
	Condon, R.W.							4/1,5,6
	Conoco Travel Bureau						11/13
	Cornwall, O.L.							7/30
	Corporation Service Company 					3/1
	Covered Wagon Company,  Detroit Michigan			11/13
	Cramton, Louis C.						2/16; 3/13,23,25,284/3,7,10,12,23,365/12,26; 6/1,7; 7/77/8,17,19,29; 8/15
	Craven, A. J.							1/1
	Crickmore (Mrs.) Charles					1/10

	The Daily Olympian						7/31; 8/6
	Dam, Everett S.							8/13
	Daniels, Joseph							7/13
	David, Elizabeth						1/9,11
	Davidson, E. Stuart						8/1,20
	Davidson, Ernest A.						11/33
	Davies, A.L.B.							5/28; 6/31; 8/14
	Davis, James H.							7/31; 8/3; 9/33
	Davis, Trevor							2/11
	Denman, A.H.							1/12,25
	Dennison, J.G.							10/16
	Denny, Arthur Armstrong    see: Chamber of Commerce, Seattle
	Dern, George H.    see: Utah.  Governor
	Dial, Charles M.						8/18,21
	Dill, Clarence C.						2/17,18,21; 7/9; 9/159/22; 10/9,24
	Dimmick, W.L.							9/28,29
	Dimond, Anthony J.						10/16,17,19
	Donovan, J.J.							6/33; 8/38
	Doubleday, Page & Company					1/5
	Dumas, J.L.							5/29
	DuPont, (E.I.) De Nemours & Company				10/13
	Dutton, Orison J.C.						7/33

	Eastern Washington Highway Association				4/26,28; 5/20
	Easton, Charles T.						1/2,3
	Eaton, C. Smith							1/17
	Eaton, Sibert							4/34,35
	Eckstein, Nathan    see also: Chamber of Commerce, Seattle	11/16
	Edgecomb, John W.						3/2,23
	Elmer, Maud V.							1/9
	Emerson, G.D.							1/14
	Emmons, G.T.							7/16
	Enberg, Henry							1/31
	English-Speaking Union of the U.S.				8/20
	Enumclaw Commercial Club					4/22; 7/21,25; 8/68/8,25,26,33; 9/1410/6,12,17,30
	Ernst, Charles F.    see: Washintgon. Emergency Relief Administration
	Evenson, Bernard G.						2/34
	Evison, Herbert    see: U.S. National Parks Service, Rainier National
						Park Advisory Board

	The Farm Journal						3/40
	The Farmers State Bank						3/39
	Faust, John N.							11/26
	Federal Land Bank of Spokane					4/32
	Felger, W.W.							1/20
	Finck, Henry T.							1/13
	Finlay Photographic Processes, Ltd				8/37
	Finley, (Dr.) J. Ward						1/20
	Finn, C.C.							1/33; 2/40; 5/26
	The First National Bank of Auburn, WA				3/40
	The First National Bank of Kent, WA				3/39
	Flett, J.B.							1/6,7,10
	Fox, J.C.							5/21
	Freeman, Miller							11/32
		see also: Washington. State Planning Council
	Fruit Products Journal						4/14
	Fry, Earl A.							8/26
	Frye, Theodore C.						1/8,9
	Fultz, F.M.							1/7,8,9,10

	Gand, Robert Sterling						10/35
	Garfield, Charles D.    see: Seattle Mining Club, Chamber of Commerce,
						Seattle.  Alaska Department
	Garner, John N.							10/3
	Garrecht, Francis A.						8/24
	Garrett, Charles W.						3/9,10
	Garvin, Cora							1/10
	Gary, Mark B.							9/15,24
	Gellatly, John A						3/2,5; 8/38
	Gellatly, (John A.) for Governor Club				9/35,36; 10/1
	Gill, Roy R.    see also: Columbia Basin Irrigation League	5/9,13,14,16,27,285/30,32
	Gilley, Roy							2/18
	Gleason, Herbert W.						1/5,22
	Goerig, A.C.							7/21,26
	Good Roads Committee (Chamber of Commerce)			2/37
	Gould, Carl F.							1/23
	Grande Courts 							11/13
	Grandview Commercial Club					9/16
	Granger (WA) Businessmen's Club					5/4
	Grant, Madison							9/32
	Grant, Samuel							1/10
	Grays Harbor (WA) Port   see also Peters, W.H.			4/1; 5/5,16; 6/8,106/35
	Grays Harbor Railway and Light Company				4/16,36; 5/7; 8/158/16,17,19,20,26
	Great Northern Railway Company					1/2,3,4,6; 3/9,334/17; 5/9,10,11,125/14,22,26,31; 6/10
	Greenwood, A.C.							5/22
	Grier, Ben A.							7/2; 8/22,24
	Griggs, E.G.	see also: St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Company	10/2
	Griffiths, Austin E.						3/1
	Guie, H.D.							7/1; 8/25,26; 9/159/16,18; 10/7,13
	Gunn, (Rev.) W.C.						1/5
	Hadley, Lin H.							2/21; 9/22; 10/3
	Hall, Oliver							6/5; 9/28
	Hampshire, John							5/8; 9/21,24
	Hann, Rosa Dean							1/10,14
	Hannaman, George L.						1/1,3,6
	Harnden, Edward W.						1/8
	Hart, Louis F.							6/22
	Hartley, Roland							9/29
	Hartman, John P.						9/16,11/36
	Hartman & Hartman [law firm] Seattle				6/29
	Hastings, Cristel						9/11
	Hawley, Willis C.						9/23
	Hay, Marion    see: Washington.  Governor
	Higday, Hamilton   see: Chamber of Commerce, Seattle; Port Townsend.
	Hill, Knute							10/9,24,29; 12/9
	Hill, Sam B.							9/15,22,25; 10/210/9,24;11/5,23
	Hill, Samuel							4/29; 6/22
	Hinkle, J.Grant    see: Washington.  State Department
	Historic Road Committee of Pierce County, WA			12/12
	Hofert, J.							9/8,9
	Hoffman, C.J.							6/1
	Hogue, H. Glenn							9/33
	Holland, E.O.    see: Washington.  State College.  President
	Holman, Tom W.							7/13; 9/19
	Hoquiam 25,000 Club						1/17
	Hoover, Herbert							7/25; 8/22
	Horr, Ralph A.							9/15,22,25; 10/3
	Horton, Frank O.						12/8
	Howell, Ted W.							8/38; 9/2
	Hubbell, Julius C.						4/2; 6/5; 9/15
	Hull J.D.							9/29
	Humes, Grant W.							1/1,4,5; 2/2,34,35
	Humes, Samuel J.						6/11
	Humphrey, William Ewart						1/20,21
	Hutchison, M. Bruce						1/9; 8/20
	Hydle, Nellie J.						1/3
	Ickes, Harold L.    see: U.S. Interior Department. Secretary
	Inland Automobile Association					3/29,31,32; 4/24,284/31; 5/10; 7/6; 8/198/21,26,28,30; 9/349/36; 10/20,34; 11/7
	International Flag Day Association				9/33
	The International Peace Garden, Inc.				11/6
	Isenhart, John							5/29
	The Izzard Company [advertising] Seattle			6/24; 7/14
	Jacobs, Joseph							7/13
	Jamieson, Phil M.						10/17
	Jefferson County. Auditor					1/20
	Jesseph, Ward							11/14
	Johnson, Albert							1/27,29,34; 2/1,22/18,22; 9/22,25
	Johnson, F.N.							9/26
	Jones, George C.						8/26
	Jones, Richard S.						1/8
	Jones, T.B.							3/38; 6/22,23,26,279/6
	Jones, Wesley L.						1/34; 2/21; 4/1; 6/14;7/9,17,25,34; 8/6,98/16,18,19; 9/15,22
	The Jones Photo Company.  Aberdeen, WA				9/33
	Jones, Riddell and Brackett					1/33
	Josenhans, T.							1/4
	The Journal							7/18,26
	Juleen Photo Shop 						3/14
	Kaynor, J.C.							2/31
	Keeler, J.L.							5/29,34; 8/26,31
	Kennedy, Palmer							8/28
	Kennewick Irrigation District					6/33,34,35; 7/1,2,5	7/6,7,8,12,15,17,18
	Kent Commercial Club						3/38
	Kern, F.A.    see: Washington Irrigation Institute; Kittitas Reclamation
	Kerry, A.S.							5/25
	Keyport Improvement Club, Inc.					4/2,5,35
	Kibler, B.R.							9/23
	King County.  Planning Commission				11/34
	Kitsap County Good Roads Association				5/28
	Kittitas County.  Planning Commission				12/4
	Kittitas County.  Reclamation District				5/24,30; 6/21,13,316/34
	Kizer, Benjamin Hamilton    see: Washington. State Planning Council
	Kizer, R.B.							9/8
	Lake Washington Bridge & Highway Association			11/33
	Lamb, Frank H.							2/4; 4/13
		see also: Chamber of Commerce, Washington State
	Lampert, John C.						10/36; 11/8,25
	Langdon, John W.						5/29
	Larson, A.E.							5/29,33; 7/1,2
	Lea, Clarence F.						2/21
	Leavy, Charles H.						12/1,8
	Leber, Ernest R.						10/18
	Leedy, E.C.							7/16
		see also: Great Northern Railway Company
	Leebey, Maurice D.						3/1
	Lewis County Garden Club					10/15
	Lewiston Commercial Club					5/7
	The Lind-Yakima-White Bluffs Road Association			11/9
	Lindsley, L.D.							1/12,13,14
	Lister, Ernest		see: Washington. Governer
	Lloyd, Wesley							10/9; 11/5,9
	Locke, Phil S.							3/17; 4/3; 5/366/3,9; 7/6; 11/10
	Lockwood, Jessie M.	see also: Seattle.  Public Schools	
	Long-Bell Lumber Sales Corporation, Kansas City, MO		9/6
	The Longview Company						9/4,5,7,16,20
	Longview Daily News 						7/32,35
	Loss, Henry A.							1/8,9
	Lovering, Lydia E.						1/9
	Lyness, W.D.							3/4,11,29

	Mabton Commercial Club						9/3,9/17
	McClellan, L.G.							9/29
	McCormack, J.K.							5/32
	McEwan, Alexander F.						5/11
	McHugh, Heber							1/4
	McIntyre, D.G.  see: Skagit Steel & Iron Works
	McKelvie, B.A.							7/30
	McKim (A.) Ltd. [general advertising agency] Montreal		3/22,24
	McKinnon, J.A.							6/2
				see also: White River Lumber Company
	MacKintosh, W.M.						3/26
	McNary, Charles L.						5/10; 9/22
	McNeil, Frank L.						10/5,18
	Martin Clarence D.						10/3
	Mather, Jane							7/9;8/36;9/37; 10/7
	Mather, Stephen T.    see: U.S. National Park Service
	Mather (Stephen Tyng) Appreciation				6/21,33; 7/6,7,279/5,8,12,24,29,30,3110/8,9,20
	Matthes, Francois E.						1/17,19
	Mazamas								1/2,9,27
	Meany, Edmond S.						1/3,5,17,23,24,29
			see also: Washington. University. 
				State Historical Society;		3/23; 632
					The Mountaineers
	Meany, (Edmond) Memorial Committee				11/19
	Meier, M.W.							11/21,23
	Meinrath Corbaley Company					3/34; 4/36
	Meisnet, Darwin							7/13
	Merriam, C. Hart						2/18
	Merrill, Eula Lee						9/16
	Merrill, (Mr. and Mrs.) R.D.					9/30
	Miller, H. Lloyd						9/2; 10/18
	Miller, John F.							1/34; 2/18,21; 3/404/3; 7/9
	Mills, Enos A.							1/22,23
	Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway    see: Nessly, Fred C.
	Mogensen, J.E.							8/8
	Montana Automobile Association					4/31
	Moore, M.							4/18
	Moran, Robert							2/36,37,38,39,403/1,7; 4/33; 7/17,247/26,27,30,33; 8/1,8/10; 9/6; 10/5,14,12/3
	Morowitz, Joe							1/4
	Moss, B.N.							2/40; 3/3
	Motor Coach Association of Washington				10/23
	Moulton, M.M.							7/4
	Mt. Adams Highway Association					6/16,17,18,19,20,6/21,25; 7/34; 8/3
	Mt. Baker Club							1/28
	Mt. Baker Lodge							11/6
	Mt. Rainier Mining Company					4/11
	Mt. Tacoma Club							2/24
	The Mountaineers						3/30; 4/18,19; 5/2,9,

									5/25; 7/14; 8/11,16; 9/7,12; 10/6,12;11/11
	Moxee, (WA) Improvement Club					9/16
	Mumaw, W.C.							9/29; 10/36; 11/811/18
	Murphy, Frank							8/22,38
	Murray, Ernest K.    see: Washington. Dept. of Public Works
	Naches Recreational Association					6/12; 9/15
	National Aeronautic Association of U.S.A.			4/9
	National Association of Audubon Societies			1/7
	National Conference on Outdoor Recreation			3/24
	National Conference on State Parks				4/33; 5/24; 6/2,14,156/28,29; 7/6,7,18,23,7/26; 8/25; 10/7
	National Geographic Magazine					9/1,2,3,7,,9/34,37; 10/26
	National Geographic Society					7/8; 9/2,5,7,9,32,35,9/36; 10/1,4,6;
	National Highway Users Conference of WA				11/19
	The National Park-to-Park Highway Association			2/25,26
	National Parks Association					4/29; 6/23
	Natural Parks Association of Washington				1/33,35; 2/8
	Nature Magazine							5/23,24; 7/10; 11/1
	Neilan, Ray A.							7/31
	Nelson, C.L.							2/16
	Nelson, S.A.							1/18,21,22; 3/168/27
	Nessly, Fred C.							4/29
	New York Herald Tribune						11/21
	New York Times							7/29; 8/7,8
	North End Flower Club, Seattle					9/16
	Northern Pacific Railway Company				1/37; 2/38,40; 3/34;4/4; 5/3,11,19,33,34;7/13,14,31,35; 10/26
	Northwest Construction Association				9/22
	Norton, F.A.							5/28,34; 6/9

	Ocean Park (WA) Commercial Club					9/18
	Okanogan-Cariboo Trail Association				8/12
	Olympia Canning Company						4/4
	Olympic Improvement League					1/22
	Oregon. Highway Commission					10/1
	Oregon. State Planning Board					11/37
	Orton, C.W.							5/31
	Outdoor Advertising Association of America			9/13
	Overlake Improvement Club					9/10,12

	Pacific Builder and Engineer					9/20; 11/3
	Pacific Air Transport						3/21
	Pacific Coast Coal Company					7/35
	The Pacific Monthly						1/3
	Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co.				7/34
	Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 1915			1/25
	Parker, Glenn, E.						4/32; 5/2,4
	Parks, George A.    see: Alaska. Governor
	Parsons, Reginald H.						7/13; 11/11
	Patrons of Husbandry						9/37
	Paulhamus, W.H.    see: Western Washington Fair Association
	Peabody, Alexander M.						8/23
	Pegg, Wellington						8/9
	Perkins, S.A.		?
	Peters, Cora B.							11/7
	Peters, W.H.							2/6,8; 3/11,28,29
			see also: Grays Harbor. Port;U.S. National Park Service
	Petersen, John S.						5/29
	Pierce, John C.							11/26
	Pierce County.  Board of County Commissioners			2/12
	Pitman, F.L.							2/25
	Poindexter, Miles C.						1/34
	Polson, Alex							10/10
	Port Angeles Commercial Club					1/28; 2/27
	Port Townsend.  Port						3/22
	Portland Cement Association					2/24,25; 5/17; 10/17,10/35; 11/10,15
	Price, (W. Montelius) Company					10/4,35
	Prosser, J.V.							1/6
	Prosser Commercial Club						10/22
	Prosser (WA) Community Club					5/3
	Puget Sound Power and Light Company				5/35; 6/5; 8/28,339/15
	Purcell, C.H.							3/16
			see also: U.S. Agriculture Dept.Bureau of Public Roads	
	Quincy-Columbia Basin League					12/2

	Rainey, Henry T.						10/3
	Rathse, (Otto N.) Mills (W.R.) & Bell (Charles E.), Inc.	2/6,7
	Reardon, Keiron W.						8/1; 10/27,29,31
	Reed, Mark E.							9/5
	Reitze, C.N.							9/23
	Remann, F.G.							10/11
	Rhodes, Henry A.						9/16
	Rich, Charles							1/4
	Richey & Gilbert Company [Yakima Valley fruits]			3/22
	Riddle, Leroy							7/6
	Romans, W.P.							1/4,6
	Roosevelt, Franklin Delano					10/31
	Ross, James Delmage    see: Seattle. Lighting Department
	Rotary Club of Columbia, Pennsylvania				2/7
	Rotary Club of Seattle						2/7
	Rotary Club of Tacoma						2/18,20,23,24
	Rowland, Dix H.							1/39
	Roycraft Coach Company						11/13
	Ryan, T.F.							7/16
	Ryan Fruit Company						4/10

	St. Paul and Tacoma Lumber Company				2/25; 8/38; 9/1
	Saturday Evening Post						7/10
	Saunders, Charles W.						3/7,8,10,23,33
	Savidge, C.V.							10/2
	Sawyer, Ernest Walker    see also: U.S. Interior Department	9/21,22,23,29,3711/12
	Sawyer, William P.						2/24
	Scanlon, R.H.							8/20
	Scarff, W.L.							5/5
	Scheu, Erwin							5/1
	Schmidt, Adolph D.						8/26
	Schmoe, Floyd W.						2/14
	Schwellenbach, Lewis B.						11/8,16; 12/9
	Scott, J.C.							7/13
	Scribner, Blanche						3/30
	Seattle.  City Engineer						8/25
	Seattle.  Health and Sanitation Department			10/6
	Seattle.  Lighting Department					1/33
	Seattle.  Port							11/2
	Seattle.  Public Schools					11/11
	Seattle.  Department of Streets and Sewers			8/14
	Seattle.  Water Department					9/15,19
	Seattle Automobile Dealer's Association				8/12
	Seattle  Dairy, Egg and Poultry Exchange			4/31
	Seattle  Mining Club						3/13
	Seattle Traffic and Safety Council				11/32,36; 12/1
	Sefrit, Frank I.						9/21
	Selah (WA) Business Men's Association				9/17
	Shelton-Mason County Commercial Club				7/31
	Shultz, Frank W.						9/23
	Sierra Club							1/3,14,21,22; 2/22,7/5,17; 8/29,31
	Sims, E.A.							6/1,5
	Sinnott, N.J.  see:U.S. Congress. House. Committee on the Public Lands
	Skagit Steel and Iron Works					3/40; 10/7; 11/31
	Skykomish Valley (WA) Commercial Club 				7/31
	Smith, Addison							9/1
	Smith, Edward A.						3/20,21
	Smith, Horace E.						11/26
	Smith, Martin F.						10/9; 11/9
	Smith, Wallace W.						1/36
	Smyser Display Service, Inc., Tacoma				11/34
	Snohomish Ad Club						3/38
	Snoqualmie Cross-State Highway Association			11/9
	Snoqualmie Valley Bank						3/39,40
	Society of Automotive Engineers					7/10
	Southard, W.E.							11/12
	Sparks, H.W.							1/18
	Spokane and Sunnyside Land Company				1/5
	Spokane County Good Roads Association				3/31; 5/23; 11/27
	Sportsmen's Association of Seattle				2/20
	Standard Oil Company of California				5/5
	Steel, Will G.							9/24
	Steele, Carolyn Pratt						10/16
	Steiwer, Frederick						9/23
	Stevens, Hazard							1/27
	Stone, W.D.							10/6
	Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation				3/20; 9/29
	Strong, Hattie M.						7/7
	Summers, John W.						1/34; 7/18; 9/16,2210/3
	Sunset Magazine							8/36
	Sylvester, A.H.							8/32
	Sylvester, John N.						12/1

	Tacoma.  Department of Light and Water				3/22
	Tacoma.  Public Library						7/35
	Tacoma.  Public Schools						7/24
	Tacoma.  Public Utilities Dept.  Commissioner			9/14,17
	Taylor, Edward T.						9/18
	Taylor, H.W.							1/36
	Taylor, O.W.							8/32
	Taylor, Robert S.						7/35
	Taylor, Sam H.							9/34
	Thomson, Reginald Heber						11/34
				see also:  Seattle.  City Engineer
	Toledo Commercial Club						12/10
	Tolmie, S.F.			 see:  British Columbia.  Premier
	Toombes, Guy							8/26,32; 9/20
	Torell, Harold J.						3/34
	Trailer Coaches, Inc., Seattle					11/21
	Trebon, David W.						1/2

	Union Pacific System						7/31
	U.S.		Advisory Committee on Allotments		11/12
	U.S.		Agriculture Department				4/8,12; 9/29
	U.S.		Agriculture Department.  Bureau of Public Roads	3/3,5,6,9,11,12,15,3/27,29,40; 4/4,6,19,4/24,28,30,31,35,5/7,8,9,16,17,18,28,5/34; 6/5,13,16,22,
									6/24,26; 7/16,21,30,
									7/34,35; 8/2,23,33;9/4,37; 10/1,13; 11/211/4,10,
	U.S.		Commerce Department				4/3
	U.S.		Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works10/12,34
	U.S.		Federal Power Commission    
				see also:  Williamson, Ralph B.		9/37
	U.S.		Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation		12/10
	U.S.		Forest Service					1/1,2,3,4,8,19,20,31
									1/36,37,40; 2/13,19;
									3/35; 5/35; 6/9,20,24
									6/28; 7/16,26,28,29.	
									7/34. 8/5,15,21,24								8/25,26,29,30,31,32;						9/3,9,20;10/35;11/12						11/21; 12/5
	U.S.		Geological Survey				2/6,16; 5/4; 8/7
	U.S.		House.  Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation	11/23
	U.S.		House.  Committee on the Public Lands		2/21
	U.S.		Immigration Service				9/18
	U.S.		Office of Indian Affairs			7/2,13
	U.S.		Interior Department.  Alaskan Engr. Commission	2/11
	U.S.		Interior Department.  Bonneville Project	12/3
	U.S.		Interior Department.  Secretary			1/8,11,12,13,17,18
									1/21,24,25,29; 4/8
									6/23; 7/27;8/9,17,29;9/6,12,17,18,20,32;
									10/3,13; 12/11
	U.S.		National Archives				12/11
	U.S.		National Resources Committee			11/35,36,37; 12/1
	U.S.		National Resources Planning Board		12/3,9
	U.S.		Navy.  Puget Sound Navy Yard Stabilization Bureau
									8/15,18,23,36; 9/2
	U.S.		Pacific Northwest Regional Planning Commission	10/36;11/34,37
	U.S.		President. National Conference on Outdoor Recreation
	U.S.		President. President's Committee on Outdoor Recreation
	U.S.		Bureau of Reclamation				3/6,7; 5/3,26; 6/27
									6/30,31; 8/8; 9/9;
	U.S.		War Department.  Alaska Road Commission		2/10;6/26,34;7/2
									7/5,6; 8/3,16,17,19,
	U.S.		War Department.  Engineer Office		4/4; 6/7;7/13,35
	U.S.		War Department.  Secretary			2/20
	U.S.		Weather Bureau					3/19; 8/1
	U.S.		Works Progress Administration			11/19
	U.S. Good Roads Association					10/17
	University Commercial Club, Seattle				7/29
	Utah.		Governor					9/10
	Utah-Idaho Sugar Company					6/4
	Van Brocklin, H.H. see also: Chamber of Commerce, Port Angeles	10/11
	Vancouver, British Columbia.  Board of Trade			11/1
	Vandenberg, Arthur H.						12/7
	Verderhoof and District Board of Trade, British Columbia	10/22
	Van Zonneveld of Washington					9/19
	Vint, Thomas C.    see also: U.S. National Park Service		5/18,32
	Visual Education and Scenic Supply Company			2/23

	Walker, J.C.							2/1
	Wallgren, Monrad C.						10/24,11/9,20; 
	Walton, (Izaak) League of America				9/25
	Wanamaker, Pearl A.						11/24
	Ward, Henry B.							11/14
	Warren, George E.						10/19
	Washburn W.W.							1/36,39; 4/31; 5/17
									6/16,27; 12/10,11
	The Washington (George) Foundation				7/20
	Washington.		Agriculture Department			5/31
	Washington.		Attorney General			9/7
	Washington.		Auditor					10/32
	Washington.		Columbia Basin Commission		10/34
	Washington.		Conservation and Development Department	2/38;4/33; 5/31
									5/34; 6/28,29; 8/36
									10/30; 11/2,3,17,26
	Washington.		Education Department.  Superintendent	3/18,20,21; 7/35
	Washington.		Emergency Relief Administration		10/18,23
	Washington.		Fisheries and Game, Department of 	8/31
	Washington.		Governor				1/17,23,27,32; 10/4
				see also:  Hartley, Roland H.;Martin, Clarence	
									10/7,11,14,15; 11/3
									11/20; 12/6
	Washington.		Governor's Advisory Constitutional Revision
					Commission			10/35
	Washington.		Highway Department			1/33; 2/30; 3/5,7,13
					see also: Humes, Samuel J.	3/33,38; 4/12,19;
									5/6,19,25; 6/24; 7/30
									8/14,34,35; 9/4,6,12,								9/13,19,21,24; 10/2
									10/22,25,33; 11/2,5
	Washington.		Highway Patrol				8/21
	Washington.		Department of Lands			8/31; 10/4
	Washington.		Department of Public Lands		6/10; 7/36;9/36; 10/11; 12/11
	Washington.		 Public Works Department		1/37; 10/34
	Washington.		 State Capitol Committee		11/34
	Washington.		State College.  Agriculture College and
					Experiment 			3/18,19; 5/30,31,35
						Station			5/36;6/23
	Washington.		State College.  Co-operative Extension Work in
									4/2; 5/1,8,28,33;
					Agriculture and Home Economics	6/13; 9/34; 11/4,32;
	Washington.		 State College.  Extension Service	3/14
	Washington.		State College.  College of Mechanic Arts
					and Engineering			5/17
	Washington.		 State College.  President		2/1; 3/17,19;4/31;
	Washington.		State College.  Registrar		9/29
	Washington.		State Department			3/8; 10/16,30
	Washington.		State Department.  Secretary		10/12,17;11/7,20
	Washington.		State Normal School, Ellensburg		10/25
	Washington.		State Parks Committee			3/23; 4/23; 6/8
	Washington.		State Planning Council			10/33,34,35; 11/2,8
	Washington.		State Progress Commission		12/2
	Washington.		State Resources Federation		12/11
	Washington.		Treasurer				10/2,11,28,29
	Washington.		University.  College of Engineering	4/25
	Washington.		University.  College of Forestry	4/26,28,33; 6/10
	Washington.		University.  State Historical Society	1/1
	Washington.		Western Washington State College.  
					Experiment Station		5/29
	Washington Berry Growers' Association				9/6,7
	Washington Construction League					10/18
	Washington Co-operative Egg and Poultry Association		4/35; 11/1
	The Washington Farmer						10/23,24,33; 11/2,19
	Washington Irrigation Institute					3/21; 4/1; 8/32
	Washington Loop Highway Association				7/2,5,19,20,23,24,27
									7/29,31; 8/3,4,9,13,
									8/28; 10/17
	Washington Machinery & Storage Company				8/9
	Washington Natural Resources Association			5/33; 7/12
	The Washington Sportman						11/11
	Washington State Agricultural Council				3/17,21
	Washington State Century of Progress Exposition Commission	10/25,28,29,30,31;
	Washington State Council for Protection of Roadside Beauty	10/23
	Washington State Good Roads Association				6/1,24; 8/20; 9/18
				see also: Lampert, John C.		9/20,22,24,31,35;
									10/19,20; 11/1,8,10
	Washington State Society for the Conservation of Wild Flowers 
				and Native Trees			9/13,19; 10/3
	Washington Water Power Company					4/36
	Waterhouse, Frank    see: Chamber of Commerce, Seattle
	Watts, (Charles R.) & Company					10/30
	Way (Mr. and Mrs.)						1/8
	Webster, Eva B.							1/11
	Welch, George							2/39; 3/3,15,16; 6/5
									11/6,26,32; 12/1
	Wells, Edmund H.						2/15,16,17
	Wenatchee Advertising Club					3/34
	Western Construction News 					11/4
	Western Washington Fair Association				2/5,3/33
	Whitacre, Horace J.    see: Rotary Club of Tacoma
	White Bluffs, (WA) Commercial Club				7/17,19,23; 10/4
	White River Lumber Company					4/2,11,21,22,29;
									5/5,25; 9/17,10/2
	White River Recreation Association				7/23,29,32; 8/13,29
									8/36; 9/13; 10/4,6,15
	White Swan (WA) Commercial Club					2/17
	White Swan-Simcoe Indian Council				6/33
	Whiteman, W.H.							11/2
	Wiegman, Mary							2/19
	Wiggins, T.A.							6/18
	Williams, John H.						1/17,18,20,21,25,26
	Williamson, Ralph B.    see also: U.S. Federal Power Commission	8/10; 9/36
	Willis, Park Weed						2/30
	Wilson, (H.W.) Company [publishers] New York			8/27
	Wilson, Worrall    see also:  Rotary Club of Seattle		8/13
	Winkenwerder, Hugo						3/18,23
		see also: Chamber of Commerce and Commercial Club of 
			Seattle; Washington. University. College of Forestry 
	Witherspoon, Herbert						7/33; 9/25
	Wolf, Fred L.							7/15
	Woody, O.H.							2/20
	The Yakima-Benton Irrigation District				8/7,30; 10/23,24,26
	Yakima Commercial Club						2/8
	Yakima Fruit Growers Association				1/40; 3/32,35; 4/12
	Yakima Historical Society					9/16
	Yakima National Bank						6/21
	Yale University.  Osborn Botanical Laboratory			10/26
	Yantis, George F.    see: U.S. Pacific Northwest Regional Planning	
				Commission;  U.S National Resources Committee
	Yellowstone Highway Association					11/7
	The Yellowstone Trail Association				2/26; 3; 4/5,6,14
									4/15,16; 5/7,10,11;
									6/13,32; 7/16; 8; 9;10; 11; 12
	Yelm Commercial Club						7/31

	Zioncheck, Marion Anthony					10/9,29; 11/20